Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nie Nie is Back!!!

Oh my goodness.... So about 4 months ago my mom was telling me about this lady's blog that I HAVE TO READ! So I started reading it.... Her name is Stephanie Nielson and she lived in Arizona... this past August, her and her husband were in a plane crash and she was burned badly. She is in Salt Lake now doing physical Therapy and healing. Her family just moved up here too. It is The most Amazing blog ever! She has such a way with words! The way she talks about her husband is so romantic (she always calls him Mr. Nielson) and you can tell they have the most amazing relationship. She seems like the BEST mom. I feel like I know Stephanie and I admire her so much!
I'm sure tons of you have heard about her, but if you haven't check it out!! It's called Nie Nie Dialogues. My blog has a link to it, so CHECK IT OUT! It will make you smile, laugh and mostly cry.
Welcome Back Nie Nie!! I have missed you.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Oh I love that you love her too. She seriously is such a good example to all of us. I cant wait for this summer we will have so much fun!