Sunday, September 13, 2009


Brek Deveren Farley
Born on: Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 at 8:17 pm
Weight: 6 lbs. 15 oz.
Height: 19 inches long


Jenny said...

he's so handsome!

Vicki--Blog Master said...

He looks beautiful---can you say that about a boy? Well, he does!
Can't wait to meet him.

Kali said...

Yeah, how exciting! Congrats! He is soooo cute and little!

Brittney said...

What a handsome little guy! Seriously! Congratulations you guys

Anonymous said...

Oh Kiara! He is so adorable! Congratulations!

Kayla said...

CUTE! kiara, that is so exciting! I bet bailie is such a good older sister! He is so beautiful!

Nick and Ashleigh said...

Congratulations, he's adorable!

auntie said...

Auntie can't wait to kiss jis adorable littl face... Well Miss B's also. See you soon......

Whitney said...

Oh Ki he looks so cute! I am dieing to get over there and hold him!

Jennifer said...

Those pictures are so fun. Brek is too cute.

Heather and AD said...

Kiara he is darling! I can't believe how teeny he is! What cute kids!

Cody Estes said...

Okay, he's got do the rest of the least somewhere on the body!
Congrats!!! He's so handsome!