Length: 26.6 inches (75%)
Weight: 16 lbs. 5 oz. (35%)
Head Circ: 44.3 cm. (They tried to be nice and wrote 50% but the doctor told me 75%)
Brek got 2 shots... and cried for about 30 seconds. It hasn't even phased him since he got them...
Bailie got 2 shots. She cried for 5 minutes... On the way home she said she needed an ice cream cone. Every time she looks down and sees her pony bandaids she starts to cry and tell me "my legs hurt mom" and she'll start walking funny and saying "ow" every time she takes a step. Typical girl.
Bailie turns 3 on Saturday and she had her appointment today... Here are her stats:
Height: 35 3/4 inches (20%)
Weight: 28.6 lbs. (20%)
Head Circ: Big (I don't know... but i'll guess 97% cause that's what it has ALWAYS been)
Head Circ: Big (I don't know... but i'll guess 97% cause that's what it has ALWAYS been)

I can't believe how grown up my kids are! Time flies and we are enjoying the ride! Love these two!
HAHAHA I laughed so RIDICULOUSLY hard when I read about Bailie and her wanting and ice cream cone and walking funny. BAH! That's great. I love her.
Your kiddos are so stinkin' cute! I miss you all already and it's only been a day.
P.S. Pretty sure I need ice cream. In-N-Out anyone :) haha
We went in for our wellness checks last week..Carter cried for a bit and that was the end of it, Ethan (who ended up with 6 shots) cried a little more then I did :( but then walked funny for the rest of the day. Yeah, fun time ;) We should get together soon.
Ha ha how funny is Bailie! I'm sad she cried though :( She's learned well on how to play the sympathy card!! Way to go Bailie!!
Send Brek and Bai my love!
Love you!
you really have some cute kids..ya they always say brig has a big head, oh well! hope all is well. havent seen you in like forever. we really should get together before we all split for the summer (which is around the corner) cant even believe it!
I know I tell you everytime I leave a comment but I honestly think bailie is the cutest little girl! And I can't believe how quick brek is growing up, he is so cute and looks a lot like his daddy I think. Quoia just had her 9month check up and only weighs 14lbs! Looks like your boy is a healthy one he already passed her up!!! Hope you're doing good, I miss you :(
Auntie also needs an ice cream!!!! She has some oowies too. They are the cutest on the net>> I can't wait to see them.. What is on tap for the birthday bash with YA YA?? Love and kisses to all...Auntie
What cute kids you have! Brek and Ty are pretty close, Ty's a little fatter and just a little shorter but opposite in head size. Ty has an itty bitty head haha. Can't wait to see you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my goodness, they are SO grown up! We still haven't even MET brek yet!!! Definitely need to get together.... we didn't end up doing spring family pics last year, but i honest to goodness want you to take some for us THIS year :)
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