Thursday, November 11, 2010

Past Due Birthday

I had a birthday back in August.  On the 24th.  I know it was a while ago but I just found the pictures and wanted to share.
I'm not gonna lie, I didn't think it would be very memorable because Deveren and my mom were both out of town.  They are the ones that usually plan birthday things so I wasn't really expecting anything. 
  It started out pretty much like a lot of my days...  Woke up, did some cleaning, got the kiddos ready...  I hear a knock at my door so I go get it and it's my cute grandma.  She walked right in my house, put her Tupperware lunch in the fridge, and sat down on my couch.  I thought it was a little weird that she came right in and just sat down, but whatever.  So she is sitting on the couch and asks me what I have going on today.  She told me that she just wanted to come and hang out with us.  Again, a little weird, but I love having her over so I didn't care at all.  About 15 minutes later there is another knock at the door. It was Talyn and Haley!!!  They were kidnapping me...
They blindfolded me....

 Silly girls

 And took me to see the movie The Switch!

I freaking love them...  

 Then we went to Farr's Frozen Yogurt (I think that's the name)  It was AMAZING!  I wish I could go there everyday....

 It was a great day!  I also went to lunch with my good friend Whitney, and my friends Nikki and Zach came over and brought Cafe Rio for dinner!  
I am so lucky to have great family and friends!! 

Just when I think all of the fun is over... 

Tal and Haley came over again!  They made me a big cupcake.... 
(I have no clue what I'm doing in the background)

 Blowing out my birthday candle! 

We made caramel corn and pickle dip (2 of the best things EVER)!!  Thanks so much for making my birthday so great girls....  I will never forget it!  Love you both

1 comment:

Talyn said...

I love this.
And you.

The three of us are freaking awesome.
The end.