Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Beckett Thomas Carter

Isn't the the cutest? He is almost a month old in these... I am so grateful he is happy, healthy and home now! He is such a sweet little guy. I love you baby Beckett!
I am taking more tomorrow of Beckett and Cougar together. We'll see how it goes.


Nika, Travis, Ayda and Zander said...

Thanks for posting pics of Brielle's new baby, I have been waiting to see them. I am glad he is home safe, pass our love and congrats to Brielle!!

The Andersons: said...

I love the pictures! I'm glad I found your site off of Cora's. It's nice to see what you are doing. Also, I heard about your little nephew and glad that he is doing so well now! I'll have to get you to come take the pictures of my little boys...

Farley Smiles said...

I hope you are still excited about taking pictures when we come in Nov., I'd love for you to take some pictures of my kids!