Sunday, April 1, 2012

Two Words:

We got to go Thursday the 22nd (the day before opening day) and it was SO much fun!! I really enjoyed the movie and I thought they did really well keeping to the book. 

We were excited!!

My work out buddies, Rachel and Delightra were there too so we had to take a very flattering photo :_

My bestie Amy and her hubby Chase came with us 
(Chase was coming from SLC and got stuck in bad traffic so he came late)

This group of people were dressed like characters from the movie so I took a picture of them but you can't tell how sa-weet they looked.
Classy Tal. Classy.


Vallen Family said...

I can't wait to go see the movie! I think that when I am feeling good enough that Ben and I will need to have a date night and go :)

Talyn said...

I try really hard not to be so classy...but obviously I fail. Miserably. It's a curse, really.

Oh, and that night was awesome. And you're hot. The end.