Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monsters Inc.

Bailie has gotten to that age where she is actually interested in watching more than 3 seconds of a show or movie. I put on Monsters Inc. for her to see if she would watch it, because my nephew watches it all the time, and she really liked it! She watched the whole movie and only got up a couple times! Today we have already watched it twice! (It's also nice because when she watches it I can get some stuff done around the house! Yea for me!!)


Jennifer said...

Those pictures are so cute! Monsters Inc was the first movie Diana and Elise would sit down to watch. I guess it must be a good movie for little kids.

Talyn said...

HOLY COW! KEIRA! You have the cutest little girl in the world. She is SO big and has so many teeth! I'm completely smitten by her and miss her so SO much. I miss all of you. You better get ready for me to practically live at your house. You and Bri are going to be so sick of me, so prep up!

I loved your note in my package, by the way. You're amazing.

Nika, Travis, Ayda and Zander said...

I can't believe how big she is getting and I agree when the kids will sit still for more than two seconds it is a good day.

Whitney said...

seriously I cant get enough of your little girl she is so steankin cute! Sherri and her husband went out with us this summer to NC. By the way all your photos are very cute you seem to be quite the photographer:)

Mandy said...

Can I also mention that she has a beautiful smile!!!